
  • Added Lux’s Representation with Q, E and R abilities.
  • Ahri’s representation Q and E VFX’s adjusted to more accurately match it's hitbox.

New Movement Restriction Feature

What is it?

Movement Restriction limits your champion's movements inputs to be made near their current position, ignoring clicks that are too far away. This forces you to make smaller, more precise mouse movements and focus on reacting to immediate threats and opportunities around your champion.

Why does it matter?

By reducing the distance your mouse needs to travel, Movement Restriction enables you to:

  • React faster to enemy abilities: With shorter distances for your mouse to move, your reaction time improves, helping you dodge skillshots and reposition quickly.
  • Develop better micro-control: You’ll train to make more deliberate and efficient movements, which is crucial during intense moments in the game.
  • Reduce reaction delay (MS): Shorter mouse movements means less time is needed to respond to stimuli, giving you an edge in high-pressure situations.

How can you try it?

You can configure movement restriction in any Microgame or Microgame Pro task, by clicking on the “Boot” icon on the bottom-right corner of the screen, right next to the “Camera” icon.

New Login Method

We have introduced a new login method that doesn’t require a password. This should help with the experience, since the passwords are independant from the web, and caused certain confusion.

The traditional method is still available for those who prefer it.

Optimized App Size

We have optimized app size, reducing its size to 1/5 of the previous version. This should improve download times and save storage space for all users.

Bug Fixes

Some minor bugs have been fixed, this should bring a better overall experience to the users.

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